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Building Osborne House is my senior thesis project I completed through the Stamps School of Art and Design. Through papier-mache sculpture, it explores the complexities of family relationships, and how we cling to family for identity, support, and a shared history, while at the same time we define ourselves from it as we grow. Drawn from a collection of my own objects and memories, this installation illuminates the ways that family is a source of frustration, pain, and disconnect, but also a source of love, humor, and connection. It is a culmination of various ideas I've explored through my writing minor courses, such as Worth It and We Do It Together. Here you'll find the written thesis that corresponded to the physical project through which I analyzed my concept and artist research—the context—for my project, my creative process as I took my work from initial idea to final installation, and the final installation conceptually and formally. 

Building Osborne House

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